
Landscaping Should Be an Enhancing Experience

By now, South Africans all know a landscaped environment when they see one. The aesthetic of a designed outdoors has grown in prevalence in the country over the last 50 years and today, South African landscapes can be as bespoke and successful as any designed outdoor space in the world. We enjoy a landscaped outdoors as a country – from elementary and wide-open spaces like public parks, around dams, and on residential estates, all the way through to our own small patch of heaven.

There are two routes to a smart landscaped exterior as a homeowner. One, there’s the DIY route, where you’ll source the plants and other necessary inputs like compost, instant lawn, tools, and labour yourself. Two, there’s the option of appointing a pro landscaping outfit to come in and get things sorted. The funny thing is, no matter which route you choose, they’re both enabled when you talk to the right supplier.

Landscaping Made Easy (No Matter Who’s Doing It)

If you can access a grower’s nursery, you’ll have access to pretty much any modular approach to landscaping you’d like. Firstly, a growing concern like Windy Willows gives the DIY enthusiast products and prices straight from the farm. You’ll be buying robust plants directly from the grower, and you’ll be paying farm prices as opposed to retail – a big consideration!landscaping

Secondly, a growing concern that also boasts a landscaping arm will be able to take on the task of your landscaping if you decide, on balance, it’s better to get it done by external contractors. Landscaping is a lot of work, with a bout of intense preparation, followed by equally intense planting to get everything into the ground, then followed by mulching and cleaning and irrigating the landscape. Some enjoy it and wouldn’t forfeit the chance to plant a single plant, but others come to realise just what a bite of time and labour landscaping their yard will ask, and then the grower/landscaper comes into their own.

Windy Willows Is a DIY Enthusiasts Dream… and a Dream Landscaper Too!

At Windy Willows, we’ve been growing plants and supplying hardware to the national landscaping trade for decades. We grow everything, and we’re perfectly equipped to supply the DIY enthusiasts with all they’ll need to do it themselves. Tons of advice, loads of correctly chosen plants and accessories, and off you go, happy.

When it comes to landscaping for clients, we’re also a pro team at getting in, getting it done, and getting out, leaving you with a vastly enhanced, superior outdoors! We’re growers of note and landscapers of distinction, so no matter what route to landscaping you want to take, call on us first!